Monday, 16 December 2013

12 ❁ Leakage

Although I intended this blog to be for style/beauty posts, sometimes i just get really strong feelings about random world things and celebrity gossip that I really have to vent my opinions in the hope that I'm not the only one thinking this way

Opening twitter after a pretty chill day at school and the tweet at the top of my timeline is...
So I had a little Google and yeah, this is actually a thing. Genuinely I get so angry when things like this happen, and it's so common that I'm quite disgusted.
I have no opposition to people sending naked pictures to each other. If you feel comfortable doing that then fair enough, go crazy. What really grinds my gears though is the fact that if you're famous you're made to formally apologise for a private action that will inevitable affect your public career. Surely there should be some sort of sanction or shame given to the leaker as oppose to the leakee. Further to that point why is there so much shame put onto someone for sending nudes.I just don't see why nudity is such a taboo subject.   Famous or not, If someone has  you something that revealing and intimate about themselves then they obviously have a level of trust for you. Therefore it's your right thinking duty not to leak or share them around. 

In summary and to justify my reasoning, when subjects like this come to light many argue that there is 'a time and a place for it'. That time is privately in all fairness that's how most people do it. The problem is that some horrible people have no common courtesy  purposely break the unwritten rule regarding respect for others.

Good day

❁ Always Deanna ❁